WMSD - Worldwide mollusc species DB Bagni Liggia

--- Taxon Tree: HETERODONTA [Subclass]-EUHETERODONTA [Infraclass]-IMPARIDENTIA [Superorder]-VENERIDA [Order]-CARDIOIDEA [Superfamily]
------ Family: CARDIIDAE (Sea)
click for details 5820000000 5820000015 5820000020 5820000035 7138000001 5820150000 5820150010 5820150015 5820150020 5820150025 5820150030 5820350005 5820350010 5820350025 5820350030 5820350040 5820350045 5820350050 5820400000 5820400005 5820400010 5820500000 5820500015 5820500020 5820550000 5820550005 5820550010 5820550015 5820550020 5820550025 5820550030 5820550035 5820550040 5820550050 5820550055 5820650005 5820650010 5820650020 5820650025 5820650030 5820650035 5820650040 5820650045 5820654000 5820850015 5820850025 5820850045 5820850070 5820850085 5820850100 5820850105 5820950000 5820950005 5820950010 5821000005 5821000015 5821000030 5821000040 5821000045 5821000050 5821000055 5821000060 5821000065 5821000070 5821000075 5821004005 5821054005 5821100000 5821150005 5821200005 5821200010 5821200020 5821250010 5821250015 5821300000 5821350000 5821350005 5821354000 5821400005 5821400010 5821500000 5821500005 5821500010 5821500015 5821500020 5821500040 5821550000 5821900000 5821900015 5821950000 5821950010 5821950020 5821950030 5821950065 5822050000 5822050005 5822050010 5822050015 5822200005 5822200010 5822200020 5822300000 5822300005 5822300010 5822300106 5822300146 5822300162 5822300178 5822300250 5822300290 5822300298 5822300402 5822300442 5822300546 5822300610 5822300698 5822300754 5822300810 5822300858 5822300882 5822300966 5822300970 5822300974 5822300994 5822301006 5822301010 5822301014 5822301022 5822301030 5822301038 5822301062 5822301070 5822301078 5822301090 5822301146 5822301170 5822301174 5822301194 5822301200 5822301206 5822301207 5822301208 5822301209 5822301210 5822301214 5822301216 5822301217 5840150000 5822301221 7138000002 7138000003 7242000060 7242000061 7242000062 7242000067 7242000070 7242000071 7242000072 7242000076 7242000080 7242000087 7432000407 7432000744 7472000038 7432000134 7432000136 7432000139 7432000140 7432000141 7432000142 7432000143 7432000144 7432000145 7432000146 7432000148 7432000150 7432000152 7432000153 7432000156 7432000158 7432000159 7432000161 7432000162 7432000163 7432000165 7432000166 7432000167 7432000168 7432000170 7432000171 7432000172 7432000175 7432000176 7432000177 7432000178 7432000180 7432000181 7432000183 7432000185 7432000187 7432000195 7432000197 7432000199 7432000201 7432000204 7432000205 7432000209 7432000210 7432000211 7432000212 7432000213 7432000214 7432000216 7432000217 7432000220 7432000224 7432000225 7432000226 7432000232 7432000243 7432000246 7432000247 7432000249 7432000250 7432000256 7432000257 7432000259 7432000260 7432000262 7432000264 7432000270 7432000272 7432000280 7432000283 7432000288 7432000293 7432000295 7432000305 7432000306 7432000308 7432000311 7432000313 7432000320 7432000321 7432000323 7432000325 7432000326 7432000327 7432000328 7432000329 7432000330 7432000331 7432000335 7432000336 7432000337 7432000342 7432000349 7432000351 7432000352 7432000355 7432000357 7432000358 7432000360 7432000364 7432000365 7432000366 7432000367 7432000368 7432000369 7432000370 7432000372 7432000374 7432000377 7432000378 7432000379 7432000380 7432000381 7432000382 7432000384 7432000385 7432000386 7432000389 7432000396 7432000399 7432000401 7432000402 7432000404 7432000405 7432000414 7432000415 7432000416 7432000417 7432000418 7432000420 7432000422 7432000424 7432000425 7432000426 7432000428 7432000430 7432000431 7432000459 7432000461 7432000466 7432000468 7432000471 7432000486 7432000487 7432000502 7432000509 7432000511 7432000520 7432000573 7432000603 7432000633 7432000651 7432000653 7432000654 7432000658 7432000659 7432000661 7432000662 7432000690 7432000694 7432000698 7432000699 7432000709 7432000740 7432000741 7432000747 7432000754 7432000791 7432000803 7432000814 7432000817 7432000818 7432000820 7432000827 7472000034 7472000036 7472000042 7472000072 7472000074 7472000075 7472000076 7472000077 7472000080 7472000082 7472000089 7472000098 7472000099 7472000100 7472000103 7472000104 7472000108 7472000111 7472000112 7472000114 7472000115 7472000119 7472000132 7472000157 7472000158 7472000165 7472000277 7472000279 7608000559

red squares show Living species, yellow squares show Fossil species

you can click on each square to get details

the total number of georeferenced species in this map is: 721 from a total of 858

please note that this is not the complete coverage of this family
the Data Base is not exaustive and only one specimen per species has been georeferenced

this map is only the graphic summary of the WMSDB Data Base up to now

Author: Claudio Galli - last updated: 15/nov/2017