WMSD - Worldwide mollusc species DB Bagni Liggia

--- Taxon Tree: HETERODONTA [Subclass]-ARCHIHETERODONTA [Infraclass]-CARDITIDA [Order]-CARDITOIDEA [Superfamily]
------ Family: CARDITIDAE (Sea)
click for details 5760000000 5760000005 5760000010 5760000020 5760000025 5760000030 5760000035 5760000040 7126000001 5760004000 5760004005 5760004010 5760004015 5760004020 5760250000 5760250005 5760250010 5760250015 5760250020 5760400000 5760400005 5760400010 5760400015 5760400020 5760900005 5760900010 5760900015 5760900020 5760900045 5760900050 5760900055 5760900070 5761000000 5761000005 5761000010 5761000020 5761000025 5761000040 5761000045 5761000050 5761100000 5761150000 5761150010 5761250000 5761250005 5761300010 5761300015 5761300020 5761300025 5761304005 5761304010 5761304015 5761304025 5761350000 5761500000 5761500013 5761500021 5761500077 5761500093 5761500109 5761500125 5761500141 5761500165 5761500173 5761500181 5761500213 5761500269 5761500277 5761500285 5761500317 5761500365 5761500373 5761500445 5761500461 5761500501 5761500522 5761500526 5761500534 5761500537 5761500538 5761500539 5761500541 5761500548 5761500554 7126000006 7126000021 7126000026 7126000031 7126000035 7126000037 7126000042 7126000043 5761300000 5760000015 5760150000 7128000032 7128000473 7128000614 7128000631 5761500405 7128000313 7128000315 7128000316 7128000319 7128000322 7128000323 7128000324 7128000326 7128000327 7128000330 7128000332 7128000333 7128000336 7128000338 7128000339 7128000340 7128000341 7128000345 7128000350 7128000354 7128000360 7128000361 7128000364 7128000367 7128000373 7128000374 7128000375 7128000376 7128000377 7128000378 7128000379 7128000381 7128000382 7128000384 7128000385 7128000389 7128000390 7128000392 7128000397 7128000402 7128000403 7128000404 7128000405 7128000406 7128000408 7128000409 7128000410 7128000412 7128000413 7128000414 7128000416 7128000419 7128000420 7128000421 7128000422 7128000428 7128000429 7128000431 7128000433 7128000435 7128000436 7128000440 7128000441 7128000446 7128000447 7128000452 7128000453 7128000454 7128000455 7128000456 7128000457 7128000458 7128000460 7128000461 7128000462 7128000463 7128000465 7128000466 7128000475 7128000476 7128000478 7128000482 7128000483 7128000484 7128000487 7128000488 7128000490 7128000499 7128000500 7128000503 7128000507 7128000509 7128000510 7128000513 7128000517 7128000518 7128000519 7128000520 7128000521 7128000522 7128000524 7128000525 7128000526 7128000527 7128000530 7128000532 7128000534 7128000537 7128000538 7128000541 7128000542 7128000544 7128000548 7128000550 7128000551 7128000553 7128000554 7128000555 7128000557 7128000560 7128000562 7128000563 7128000564 7128000570 7128000571 7128000574 7128000577 7128000582 7128000584 7128000590 7128000592 7128000595 7128000596 7128000597 7128000599 7128000600 7128000601 7128000607 7128000613 7128000618 7128000644 7204000183 7204000195 7204000217 7204000240 7204000246 7204000247 7204000248 7204000249 7204000250 7204000251 7204000252 7204000253 7204000254 7204000259 7204000260 7204000266 7204000268 7204000270 7204000271 7204000281 7204000289 7204000291 7204000296 7204000297 7204000312 7204000313 7204000317 7204000318 7204000335 7204000340 7204000342 7204000343 7204000345 7204000346

red squares show Living species, yellow squares show Fossil species

you can click on each square to get details

the total number of georeferenced species in this map is: 496 from a total of 608

please note that this is not the complete coverage of this family
the Data Base is not exaustive and only one specimen per species has been georeferenced

this map is only the graphic summary of the WMSDB Data Base up to now

Author: Claudio Galli - last updated: 15/nov/2017