WMSD - Worldwide mollusc species DB Bagni Liggia

------ Family: COSTELLARIIDAE (Sea)
click for details 2000500000 2000500005 2000600005 2000600010 2000600020 2000754085 2000754095 2000754105 2000754145 2000754155 5304000001 5304000002 5304000004 5304000005 5304000008 5304000009 5304000010 5304000011 5304000013 5304000015 5304000016 5304000017 5304000019 2070050000 2070050005 2070050020 2070050080 2070050085 2070050090 2070050105 2070050110 2070050115 2070050125 2070050190 2070050200 2070050210 2070050215 2070050295 2070050310 2070050395 2070050410 2070050425 2070050485 2070050540 2070050545 2070050590 2070050645 2070050650 2070050680 2070050695 2070050715 2070050745 2070050765 2070050790 2070050800 2070050805 2070050815 2070050840 2070050845 2070050865 2070050870 2070050880 2070054005 2070054015 2070054060 2070054095 2070054110 2070054115 2070054120 2070054140 2070054155 2070054170 2070200000 2070200005 2070200010 2070200020 2070200040 2070200050 2070350005 2070350010 2070354005 2070354010 2070354020 2070450000 2070450010 2070454025 2070454045 2070454085 2070454115 2070454125 2070454135 2070454155 2070454175 2070454185 2070454195 2070454205 2070454235 2070454255 2070454325 2070454335 2070454375 2070454385 2070454445 2070454475 2070454525 2070454535 2070454595 2070454635 2070454645 2070454725 2070454745 2070454755 2070454775 2070454835 2070454865 2070454875 2070454915 2070454955 2070455005 2070455035 2070455045 2070455135 2070455145 2070455185 2070455335 2070455405 2070455485 2070456413 2070456485 2070456565 2070456580 2070456588 2070456596 2070456632 2070456692 2070456716 2070456732 2070456736 2070456748 2070456752 2070456787 2070456788 2070456803 2070456804 2070456807 2070456810 2128823287 2128823288 2070456816 5304000023 5304000028 5304000039 5304000041 5304000050 5304000057 5304000062 5304000067 2070050220 5304000081 5322000009 5322000012 5322000013 5322000017 5322000020 5322000021 5322000022 5322000032 5322000035 5322000041 5322000043 5322000052 5322000054 5322000055 5322000070 5322000073 5322000081 5322000082 5346000122 5346000180 5346000195 5346000220 5346000228 5346000233 5332000007 5346000256 5346000270 6526000010 6526000011 6526000012 6526000013 6526000034 6526000044 6526000045 6526000046 6526000047 6526000050 6526000052 6526000053 6526000054 6526000055 6526000056 6526000059 6526000066 6526000068 5346000287 5346000310 5346000319 5346000321 5346000569 5346000570 5346000571 5346000572 5346000576 5346000579 5346000580 5346000581 5346000585 5346000588 5346000590 5346000596 5346000599 5346000600 5346000603 6492000004 6492000006 6492000007 6492000010 6492000012 6492000017 6492000019 6526000009 6526000023 6526000025 6526000033 6526000037 6526000070

red squares show Living species, yellow squares show Fossil species

you can click on each square to get details

the total number of georeferenced species in this map is: 608 from a total of 625

please note that this is not the complete coverage of this family
the Data Base is not exaustive and only one specimen per species has been georeferenced

this map is only the graphic summary of the WMSDB Data Base up to now

Author: Claudio Galli - last updated: 15/ott/2017