WMSD - Worldwide mollusc species DB Bagni Liggia

--- Taxon Tree: CAENOGASTROPODA [Subclass]-NEOGASTROPODA [Order]-MURICOIDEA [Superfamily]
------ Family: CYSTISCIDAE (Sea)
click for details 2030000010 5306000001 5306000003 2030100000 2030104000 2030104005 2030104010 2030104040 2030104045 2030104055 2030104060 2030104085 2030104095 2030104115 2030150000 2030154000 2030154005 2030250000 2030250010 2030250015 2030250020 2030250050 2030250055 2030250060 2030254010 2030254020 2030254025 2030254030 2030254035 2030254040 2030300000 2030300005 2030300015 2030300030 2030300040 2030300055 2030300065 2030300070 2030300075 2030300100 2030300105 2030300115 2030300120 2030300125 2030300130 2030300150 2030300155 2030300165 2030300170 2030300175 2030400005 2030400010 2030450065 2030450145 2030450185 2030450195 2030450205 2030450215 2030450235 2030450265 2030450295 2030450325 2030450335 2030450375 2030450385 2030450395 2030450415 2030450445 2030450455 2030450475 2030450505 2030450525 2030450545 2030450565 2030450595 2030450615 2030450695 2030450755 2030450875 2030450955 2030451315 2030451365 2030451375 2030451405 2030451425 2030451445 2030451455 2030451475 2030451485 2030451535 2030451575 2030451635 2030451705 2030451715 2030451765 2030451845 2030451925 2030452147 2030452151 2030452155 2030452215 2030452259 2030452268 2030452272 2030452274 2030452282 2030452285 2030452322 2030452330 2030452332 2030452333 2030452334 2030452337 2030452342 2030452350 2030452352 2041450085 2030452360 5306000027 5306000031 5306000033 5350000258 5350000263 5350000264 5350000538 6528000058 2030450675 2041501040 5350000512 5350000513 5350000514 5350000515 5350000517 5350000524 5350000526 5350000527 5350000532 5350000533 5350000536 5350000539 5350000540 5350000542 5350000543 6494000083 6528000051 6528000057 6528000059

red squares show Living species, yellow squares show Fossil species

you can click on each square to get details

the total number of georeferenced species in this map is: 321 from a total of 445

please note that this is not the complete coverage of this family
the Data Base is not exaustive and only one specimen per species has been georeferenced

this map is only the graphic summary of the WMSDB Data Base up to now

Author: Claudio Galli - last updated: 25/nov/2017