WMSD - Worldwide mollusc species DB Bagni Liggia

--- Taxon Tree: CAENOGASTROPODA [Subclass]-NEOGASTROPODA [Order]-BUCCINOIDEA [Superfamily]
------ Family: FASCIOLARIIDAE (Sea)
click for details 1910700280 1921104000 1970000000 1970000015 1970000030 1970000035 1970000040 1970000045 1970000050 1970000065 1970000080 5294000001 1970400000 1970600000 1970650000 1970800005 1970800010 1970800015 1970800020 1970800025 1970800030 1970800040 1970800055 1970800060 1970950005 1971000000 1971050020 1971050030 1971050035 1971050050 1971050060 1971050065 1971050070 1971050090 1971050100 1971050110 1971050130 1971050135 1971050150 1971050155 1971050160 1971050175 1971050180 1971050185 1971050190 1971050215 1971050225 1971050230 1971050235 1971050240 1971050245 1971050250 1971050255 1971050265 1971050290 1971050305 1971050320 1971050325 1971054015 1971054025 1971054045 1971054055 1971054060 1971054075 1971054080 1971054100 1971054110 1971054125 1971054145 1971100000 1971170000 1971170005 1971170010 1971170040 1971170045 1971170050 1971170060 1971170065 1971500020 1971504000 1971554000 1971600025 1971600030 1971650005 1971650020 1971650025 1971650030 1971650035 1971650040 1971750000 1971750005 1971750015 1971750040 1971750075 1971750165 1971750175 1971750180 1971750195 1971750225 1971754000 1971950015 1972650710 1972651140 1972651150 1972651280 1972651380 1972651390 1972651400 1972651430 1972651450 1972651470 1972651520 1972651540 1972651550 1972651560 1972651570 1972651660 1972651670 1972651710 1972651740 1972651760 1972651850 1972651880 1972651910 1972651940 1972651970 1972652000 1972652040 1972652050 1972652370 1972652400 1972652540 1972652580 1972652670 1972652690 1972652700 1972652750 1972652770 1972652780 1972652790 1972652840 1972652850 1972652930 1972652940 1972652950 1972652980 1972653110 1972653150 1972653160 1972653170 1972653250 1972653600 1972653610 1972653630 1972653670 1972653680 1972653820 1972653850 1972653870 1972653910 1972653970 1972654140 1972654200 1972654290 1972654300 1972654310 1972654430 1972654540 1972654660 1972654930 1972654950 1972655050 1972655200 1972655448 1972655488 1972655504 1972655584 1972655633 1972655643 1972655681 1972655701 1972655705 1972655729 1972655745 1972655749 1972655761 1972655769 1972655773 1972655805 1972655809 1972655817 1972655851 1972655853 1972655854 1972655855 1972655859 1972655863 1972655869 1972655880 1972655884 5294000012 5294000026 1970950000 1971050075 1971750110 1970800050 1970800000 1972100000 1971750090 1971050275 1971170035 1972655520 1971750050 1971600000 1971750100 5366000074 5366000092 5366000098 5366000099 5366000110 5366000113 5366000118 5366000124 5366000135 5366000142 5366000143 8016001700 8038001162 1970604005 1972150005 1972150010 1972150015 1972653040 1972653090 1972655653 5366000120 5971104825 5971105311 5971105312 5971105313 5971105315 5971105316 5971105319 5971105320 5971105321 5971105323 5971105324 5971105325 5971105326 5971105329 5971105331 5971105332 5971105335 5971105336 5971105337 5971105338 5971105340 5971105341 5971105342 5971105347 5971105351 5971105352 5971105356 5971105360 5971105364 5971105367 5971105369 5971105374 5971105376 5971105378 5971105382 5971105385 5971105387 5971105388 5971105389 5971105390 5971105391 5971105392 5971105393 5971105397 5971105399 5971105400 5971105401 5971105404 5971105405 5971105411 5971105413 5971105414 5971105416 5971105424 5971105425 5971105426 5971105427 5971105431 5971105432 5971105439 5971105440 5971105444 5971105446 5971105448 5971105452 5971105453 5971105456 5971105461 5971105462 5971105464 5971105465 5971105466 5971105469 5971105471 5971105472 5971105473 5971105474 5971105482 5971105485 5971105497 5971105499 5971105500 5971105502 5971105507 5971105511 5971105514 5971105515 5971105518 5971105523 5971105534 8016000935 8016001052 8016001145 8016001167 8016001175 8016001231 8016001235 8016001278 8016001287 8016001336 8016001367 8016001370 8016001401 8016001420 8016001422 8016001423 8016001424 8016001426 8016001427 8016001428 8016001431 8016001432 8016001447 8016001450 8016001452 8016001456 8016001460 8016001468 8016001479 8016001504 8016001509 8016001667 8016001721 8016001792 8016001803 8016001816 8016001820 8016001831 8016001833 8016001841 8038000273 8038000567 8038000568 8038000627 8038000629 8038000630 8038000646 8038000655 8038000696 8038000704 8038000770 8038000776 8038000808 8038000821 8038000968 8038001204 8038001227 8038001290

red squares show Living species, yellow squares show Fossil species

you can click on each square to get details

the total number of georeferenced species in this map is: 908 from a total of 1127

please note that this is not the complete coverage of this family
the Data Base is not exaustive and only one specimen per species has been georeferenced

this map is only the graphic summary of the WMSDB Data Base up to now

Author: Claudio Galli - last updated: 07/nov/2017