WMSD - Worldwide mollusc species DB Bagni Liggia

--- Taxon Tree: VETIGASTROPODA [Subclass]-TROCHOIDEA [Superfamily]
------ Family: MARGARITIDAE (Sea)
click for details 5060000014 5060000013 5060000649 5060000639 5060000632 5060000624 5060000620 5060000619 5060000617 5060000595 5060000587 5060000582 5060000578 5060000576 5060000573 5060000332 5060000326 5060000325 5060000328 5060000327 5060000324 5060000651 5060000627 5060000609 5060000608 5060000585 5060000584 5060000579 5060000566 5060000644 5060000592 5060000658 5060000607 5060000602 5060000594 5060000598 5060000616 5060000623 5234000189 5234000190 5063000001 5063000003 5352000054 5060000571 5644000017 5644000018 7492000003 7492000004 7492000006 7492000007 7492000008 8029000164

red squares show Living species, yellow squares show Fossil species

you can click on each square to get details

the total number of georeferenced species in this map is: 70 from a total of 111

please note that this is not the complete coverage of this family
the Data Base is not exaustive and only one specimen per species has been georeferenced

this map is only the graphic summary of the WMSDB Data Base up to now

Author: Claudio Galli - last updated: 25/nov/2017