WMSD - Worldwide mollusc species DB Bagni Liggia

--- Taxon Tree: CAENOGASTROPODA [Subclass]-CERITHIOIDEA [Superfamily]
------ Family: MELANOPSIDAE (Freshwater)
click for details 1210000005 1210000010 1210004000 1210004005 1210004015 1210004020 1210004025 1210004035 1210004045 1210004055 1210004060 1210004065 1210004070 1210004075 1210004085 1210004090 1210004095 1210004100 1210004115 1210004120 1210004125 1210004130 1210004140 1210004150 1210004155 1210004165 1210004170 1210004175 1210004180 1210254000 1210254010 1210254020 1210254030 1210254050 1210254066 1210254074 1210254082 1210254090 1210254098 1210254106 1210254122 1210254186 1210254202 1210254234 1210254250 1210254338 1210254370 1210254386 1210254490 1210254514 1210254530 1210254534 1210254538 1210254542 1210254546 1210254547 1210254550 5130000012 5130000013 5130000014 5130000016 5130000017 5130000018 5130000019 5130000022 5130000024 5130000027 5130000030 5130000031 5130000034 5130000037 5140000094 5140000095 5140000098 6162000006 6162000308 6162000326 6174000033 6192000267 6192000276 6192000293 6192000294 6192000296 6192000301 6192000302 6192000304 6192000305 6192000324 6192000325 6192000333 6192000334 6192000336 6192000338 6192000340 6192000341 6192000342 6192000343 6192000349 6192000351 6192000352 6192000357 6192000358 6192000360 6192000366 6192000367 6192000368 6192000375 6192000379 6192000381 6192000388 6192000391 6192000393 6192000403 6192000408 6192000413 6192000414 6192000415 6192000425 6192000426 6192000438 6192000446 6192000452 6192000454 6192000467 6192000477 6192000491 6192000492 6192000496 6192000504 6192000506 6192000508 1210254322 5140000100 5140000101 5140000102 5140000103 6126000002 6126000015 6126000016 6162000001 6162000007 6162000008 6162000011 6162000015 6162000018 6162000019 6162000020 6162000022 6162000023 6162000024 6162000025 6162000027 6162000028 6162000029 6162000034 6162000035 6162000036 6162000042 6162000051 6162000055 6162000060 6162000062 6162000066 6162000068 6162000072 6162000073 6162000085 6162000086 6162000087 6162000090 6162000093 6162000096 6162000097 6162000105 6162000106 6162000108 6162000111 6162000118 6162000131 6162000138 6162000141 6162000152 6162000162 6162000163 6162000168 6162000169 6162000171 6162000173 6162000178 6162000180 6162000184 6162000200 6162000209 6162000232 6162000237 6162000240 6162000243 6162000251 6162000261 6162000295 6162000300 6162000301 6162000307 6162000309 6162000311 6162000314 6162000316 6162000327 6162000329 6174000020 6174000024 6174000026 6174000035 6192000031 6192000036 6192000039 6192000050 6192000051 6192000054 6192000055 6192000059 6192000060 6192000061 6192000064 6192000065 6192000067 6192000075 6192000077 6192000079 6192000080 6192000081 6192000083 6192000085 6192000087 6192000093 6192000099 6192000104 6192000109 6192000112 6192000115 6192000120 6192000130 6192000143 6192000151 6192000152 6192000154 6192000159 6192000160 6192000162 6192000173 6192000174 6192000178 6192000181 6192000183 6192000195 6192000202 6192000208 6192000211 6192000212 6192000216 6192000217 6192000220 6192000225 6192000226 6192000228 6192000249 6192000260 6192000460

red squares show Living species, yellow squares show Fossil species

you can click on each square to get details

the total number of georeferenced species in this map is: 830 from a total of 830

please note that this is not the complete coverage of this family
the Data Base is not exaustive and only one specimen per species has been georeferenced

this map is only the graphic summary of the WMSDB Data Base up to now

Author: Claudio Galli - last updated: 07/nov/2017