WMSD - Worldwide mollusc species DB Bagni Liggia

--- Taxon Tree: NERITIMORPHA [Subclass]-CYCLONERITIMORPHA [Order]-NERITOIDEA [Superfamily]
------ Family: NERITIDAE (Sea)
click for details 5088000116 5088000115 5088000104 5088000101 5088000093 5088000090 5088000085 5088000081 5088000080 5088000073 5088000008 5088000065 5088000064 5088000049 5088000048 5088000045 5088000042 5088000040 5088000036 5088000034 5088000031 5088000030 5088000028 5088000027 5088000025 5088000020 5088000013 5088000140 5088000100 5088000077 5088000126 5088000071 5088000125 5088000053 5088000046 5088000024 5088000088 5088000206 5088000200 5088000190 5088000189 5088000178 5088000175 5088000153 5088000145 5088000143 5088000213 5088000188 5088000164 5088000156 5088000154 5088000133 5088000224 5088000236 5088000239 5088000368 5088000352 5088000360 5088000345 5088000317 5088000309 5088000305 5088000289 5088000304 5088000292 5088000274 5088000270 5088000268 5088000273 5088000303 5088000005 5088000111 5088000107 5088000099 5088000084 5088000124 5088000127 5088000123 5088000120 5088000199 5088000131 5088000132 5088000130 5088000228 5088000179 5088000226 5088000167 5088000142 5088000238 5088000267 5088000353 5088000340 5088000329 5088000323 5088000312 5088000105 5088000076 5088000221 5088000219 5088000196 5088000194 5088000186 5088000181 5088000152 5088000344 5088000337 5088000334 5088000331 5088000349 5088000012 5088000218 5088000346 5088000369 5088000055 5088000211 5088000086 5088000298 5088000296 5088000029 5088000192 5088000148 5088000245 5088000244 5088000347 5088000351 5088000313 5088000314 5088000319 5088000050 5088000202 5088000366 5088000110 5088000370 5088000371 5088000373 5088000374 5364000647 5364000654 5364000661 5364000662 5364000663 5364000665 5364000667 5364000668 5364000670 5364000671 5364000674 6231050002 6231050003 6231050004 6231050005 6231050006 6231050015 8032000290 5088000087 5088000265 5088000339 7432000447 7432000448 7432000449 7432000450 7432000451 7432000452 7432000456 7432000460 7432000463 7432000472 7432000474 7432000475 7432000478 7432000479 7432000480 7432000482 7432000483 7432000488 7432000489 7432000490 7432000491 7432000493 7432000494 7432000495 7432000497 7432000503 7432000504 7432000506 7432000507 7432000508 7432000515 7432000517 7432000521 7432000526 7432000527 7432000635 7432000766 7432000768 7432000772 7432000773 7432000781 7432000784 7432000797 7432000798 7432000819 7432000830 7432000841 7432000930 7432000997 7432001004 7432001053 8029000018 8029000022 8029000030 8029000062 8029000068 8029000086 8029000107 8029000151 8029000154 8029000155 8032000273 8032000274 8032000275 8032000276 8032000281 8032000295

red squares show Living species, yellow squares show Fossil species

you can click on each square to get details

the total number of georeferenced species in this map is: 457 from a total of 724

please note that this is not the complete coverage of this family
the Data Base is not exaustive and only one specimen per species has been georeferenced

this map is only the graphic summary of the WMSDB Data Base up to now

Author: Claudio Galli - last updated: 01/set/2017