WMSD - Worldwide mollusc species DB Bagni Liggia

--- Taxon Tree: HETERODONTA [Subclass]-EUHETERODONTA [Infraclass]-IMPARIDENTIA [Superorder]-VENERIDA [Order]-TELLINOIDEA [Superfamily]
------ Family: TELLINIDAE (Sea)
click for details 5940000000 5940000005 5940000010 5940000015 5940000025 5940000030 5940000035 5940000040 5940000045 5940000050 5940000055 5940000060 5940000070 5940000075 5940000080 5940000090 5940000095 5940000100 5940000110 5940000115 5940000120 5940000130 5940000135 5940000145 5940000155 5940000160 5940000165 5940000170 5940000175 5940000180 5940000190 5940000205 5940000210 5940000215 5940000220 5940000235 5940000240 5940000245 5940000255 5940000260 5940000265 5940000275 5940000280 5940000285 5940000295 5940000300 5940000315 5940000320 5940000340 5940000360 5940000365 5940000375 5940000380 5940000400 5940000410 5940000435 5940000445 5940000450 5940000460 5940000485 5940000495 7162000001 5940000505 5940000520 5940000535 5940000540 5940000545 5940000560 5940000565 5940000570 5940000585 5940000590 5940000595 5940000600 5940000605 5940000610 5940000615 5940000625 5940000645 5940000660 5940000670 5940000685 7162000002 5940004000 5940004005 5940004010 5940004015 5940004020 5940004025 5940004030 5940004055 5940004070 5940004075 5940004085 5940004090 5940004095 5940004100 5940004110 5940004125 5940300000 5940300005 5940854005 5940904005 5941104000 5941104005 5941104010 5941450000 5941454005 5941600005 5941654005 5941654020 5941950000 5941950005 5941950015 5942050020 5942050025 5942054000 5942054010 5942054015 5942200005 5942200010 5942200020 5942200030 5942200035 5942200040 5942204000 5942204005 5942950015 5942950020 5942950025 5942950040 5942950050 5942950075 5942950080 5942950105 5942950120 5942950125 5942950140 5942950165 5942950180 5942950185 5942950195 5942950200 5942950205 5942950215 5942950240 5942954005 5942954040 5943054000 5943650000 5943700000 5943800015 5943804000 5943804005 5943804015 5943804033 5943804041 5943804057 5943804081 5943804113 5943804129 5943804145 5943804153 5943804185 5943804201 5943804249 5943804289 5943804297 5943804329 5943804361 5943804385 5943804441 5943804481 5943804489 5943804497 5943804657 5943804705 5943804825 5943804961 5943804993 5943805017 5943805033 5943805041 5943805113 5943805225 5943805457 5943805629 5943805633 5943805637 5943805641 5943805661 5943805663 5943805666 5943805669 5943805671 5943805676 5943805677 7162000004 5940000530 7202000107 7202000108 7202000157 7202000214 5940000335 5940854000 5942954035 5943804025 5943805655 7284000409 7284000416 7284000420 7284000424 7284000427 7284000428 7284000430 7284000431 7284000432 7284000435 7284000439 7284000440 7284000441 7284000442 7284000445 7284000451 7284000454 7284000456 7284000457 7284000458 7284000460 7284000462 7284000464 7284000466 7284000470 7284000472 7284000473 7284000477 7284000479 7284000480 7284000482 7284000484 7284000486 7284000492 7284000493 7284000494 7284000501 7284000506 7284000508 7284000513 7284000514 7284000516 7284000519 7284000524 7284000528 7284000529 7284000530 7284000535 7284000539 7284000542 7284000543 7284000544 7284000552 7284000553 7284000554 7284000555 7284000557 7284000558 7284000570 7284000571 7284000572 7284000574 7284000575 7284000578 7284000579 7284000580 7284000581 7284000582 7284000584 7284000591 7284000597 7284000603 7284000605 7284000606 7284000609 7284000616 7284000619 7284000621 7284000625 7284000627 7284000628 7284000634 7284000637 7284000643 7284000644 7284000646 7284000649 7284000651 7284000659 7284000662 7284000663 7284000665 7284000666 7284000667 7284000671 7284000673 7284000674 7284000680 7284000681 7284000683 7284000688 7284000694 7284000695 7284000700 7284000701 7284000702 7284000703 7284000710 7284000714 7284000716 7284000731 7284000737 7284000746 7284000781 7284000787 7284000788 7284000789 7526000087 7526000114 7526000120 7526000124 7526000136 7526000140 7526000149 7608000465

red squares show Living species, yellow squares show Fossil species

you can click on each square to get details

the total number of georeferenced species in this map is: 714 from a total of 966

please note that this is not the complete coverage of this family
the Data Base is not exaustive and only one specimen per species has been georeferenced

this map is only the graphic summary of the WMSDB Data Base up to now

Author: Claudio Galli - last updated: 16/ott/2017