WMSD - Worldwide mollusc species DB Bagni Liggia

--- Taxon Tree: CAENOGASTROPODA [Subclass]-LITTORINIMORPHA [Order]-STROMBOIDEA [Superfamily]
------ Family: APORRHAIDAE (Sea)
click for details 1440000000 1440000005 1440004000 1440004020 1440004050 1440004128 5240000001 5240000002 5240000003 5240000004 5240000008 5240000009 5240000011 5240000012 5240000018 5240000019 5240000022 5240000023 5240000026 5240000027 5240000028 5240000039 5240000042 5240000043 5240000046 5240000047 5240000049 5240000051 5240000072 5238000035 5364001047 5364001070 8035000002 8035000003 8035000004 6318000001 6322000003 6322000005 6322000006 6322000008 6322000010 6322000013 6322000015 6322000021 6322000022 6322000025 6322000035 6322000049 6322000051 6322000052 6322000055 6322000059 6322000064 6322000066 6322000068 6322000070 6322000072 6322000082 6322000084 6322000085 6322000089 6322000094 6322000102 6322000105 6322000111 6322000114 6322000119 6322000120 6322000121 6322000123 6322000126 6322000127 6322000133 6322000136 6322000139 6322000141 6322000142 6322000143 6322000144 6322000147 6322000148 6322000150 6322000152 6322000153 6322000154 6322000156 6322000158 6322000162 6322000177 6322000178 6322000182 6322000203 6322000205 6322000208 6322000213 6322000230 6322000233 6322000247 6322000248 6322000250 6322000251 6322000257 6322000263 6322000291 6322000292 6322000294 6322000306 6322000308 6322000326 6322000331 6322000348 6322000352 6322000354 6322000355 6322000360 6322000361 6322000362 6322000375 6322000378 6322000379 6322000381 6322000403 6322000406 6322000410 6326000065 6326000081 6326000089 6329000089 6329000091 6329000136 8035000030 8035000053 8035000055 8035000063 8035000065 8035000066 8035000074 8035000080 8035000092 8035000098 8035000106 8035000112 8035000126

red squares show Living species, yellow squares show Fossil species

you can click on each square to get details

the total number of georeferenced species in this map is: 364 from a total of 499

please note that this is not the complete coverage of this family
the Data Base is not exaustive and only one specimen per species has been georeferenced

this map is only the graphic summary of the WMSDB Data Base up to now

Author: Claudio Galli - last updated: 15/nov/2017