WMSD - Worldwide mollusc species DB Bagni Liggia

--- Taxon Tree: PTERIOMORPHIA [Subclass]-PECTINIDA [Order]-AVICULOPECTINOIDEA [Superfamily]
------ Family: AVICULOPECTINIDAE (Sea)
click for details 7622000101 7622000102 7622000103 7622000104 7622000106 7622000107 7622000108 7622000109 7622000110 7622000111 7622000112 7622000113 7622000117 7622000119 7622000120 7622000122 7622000123 7622000126 7622000128 7622000129 7622000131 7622000132 7622000133 7622000134 7622000135 7622000136 7622000137 7622000139 7622000140 7622000141 7622000142 7622000147 7622000148 7622000149 7622000150 7622000151 7622000152 7622000155 7622000156 7622000161 7622000162 7622000164 7622000168 7622000169 7622000172 7622000173 7622000174 7622000176 7622000180 7622000181 7622000182 7622000183 7622000184 7622000185 7622000187 7622000188 7622000189 7622000192 7622000197 7622000198 7622000199 7622000200 7622000201 7622000203 7622000205 7622000206 7622000208 7622000209 7622000210 7622000211 7622000212 7622000213 7622000216 7622000217 7622000220 7622000223 7622000225 7622000226 7622000227 7622000228 7622000229 7622000230 7622000231 7622000232 7622000233 7622000236 7622000237 7622000238 7622000239 7622000241 7622000242 7622000243 7622000244 7622000245 7622000246 7661000022 7661000069 8036000100 8036000113 8036000114 8036000124 8036000142 8036000144 8036000162

red squares show Living species, yellow squares show Fossil species

you can click on each square to get details

the total number of georeferenced species in this map is: 150 from a total of 166

please note that this is not the complete coverage of this family
the Data Base is not exaustive and only one specimen per species has been georeferenced

this map is only the graphic summary of the WMSDB Data Base up to now

Author: Claudio Galli - last updated: 27/ago/2017