WMSD - Worldwide mollusc species DB Bagni Liggia

------ Family: BITHYNIIDAE (Freshwater)
click for details 5202000030 5202000008 5202000002 5202000022 5202000049 5202000084 5202000042 5202000053 5202000051 5202000077 5202000076 5202000038 5202000036 5202000087 5202000072 5202000034 5202000044 5202000071 5202000070 5202000032 5202000068 5202000066 5202000065 5202000020 5202000063 5202000062 5202000006 5202000004 5202000055 5202000050 5202000046 5202000007 5202000040 5202000023 5202000021 5202000037 5202000028 5202000094 5202000092 5202000041 5202000035 5202000033 5202000025 5202000018 5202000016 5202000003 5202000093 5202000011 5202000085 5202000098 5202000099 5664000091 5202000102 5202000103 5202000104 5202000105 5202000107 5202000110 5202000112 5202000113 5372000133 5202000114 5202000116 5202000117 5202000118 5202000119 5202000120 5202000122 5202000126 5202000128 5202000129 5202000130 5202000131 5202000132 5202000133 5202000134 5202000135 5202000136 5202000137 5202000138 5202000139 5202000140 5202000141 5202000142 5202000143 5202000145 5202000146 5202000147 5202000152 5202000153 5202000164 5372000895 5372000896 5372000897 5372000900 5372000901 5372000902 5372000907 5372000908 5372000985 5372000986 5372000987 5372000988 5372000989 5372000990 5372000991 5372001096 5372001214 5372001221 5372001223 5372001224 5372001288 5372001492 5372001503 5372001551 5372001564 5664000134 5664000136 5664000152 5664000156 5664000173 6352000001 6404000034 6404000044 6404000045 6404000049

red squares show Living species, yellow squares show Fossil species

you can click on each square to get details

the total number of georeferenced species in this map is: 193 from a total of 281

please note that this is not the complete coverage of this family
the Data Base is not exaustive and only one specimen per species has been georeferenced

this map is only the graphic summary of the WMSDB Data Base up to now

Author: Claudio Galli - last updated: 15/ott/2017