WMSD - Worldwide mollusc species DB Bagni Liggia

------ Family: CANCELLARIIDAE (Sea)
click for details 1974254000 1974254010 2080000005 2080000015 2080000020 2080000025 2080000035 2080000040 2080000050 2080000055 2080000060 2080000065 2080000070 2080000075 2080000080 2080000085 2080000090 2080000095 2080000100 2080000105 2080000115 2080000135 2080000145 2080000150 2080000155 2080000170 5348000001 5348000002 5348000003 2080004005 2080004020 2080700000 2080950000 2080950005 2080950010 2081700000 2081750000 2082550000 2082550015 2083200000 2083200010 2083200020 2083200025 2083200030 2083200045 2083200050 2083200055 2083200075 2083400000 2083550000 2083550010 2083550015 2083550025 2083550030 2083550035 2083554005 2083554010 2083554015 2083554020 2083554025 2083554030 2084000030 2084000035 2084000045 2084150005 2084150010 2084250000 2084254000 2084254010 2084500020 2084500025 2084500040 2084500045 2084500060 2084550000 2084700015 2084700055 2084700065 2084700105 2084700125 2084700185 2084700215 2084700225 2084700235 2084700295 2084700305 2084700315 2084700345 2084700365 2084700395 2084700425 2084700435 2084700455 2084700465 2084700525 2084700665 2084700675 2084700695 2084700765 2084700815 2084700845 2084700885 2084700915 2084700995 2084701005 2084701025 2084701035 2084701045 2084701135 2084701145 2084701195 2084701205 2084701255 2084701275 2084701375 2084701385 2084701415 2084701425 2084701435 2084701515 2084701525 2084701535 2084701565 2084701695 2084701715 2084701765 2084701785 2084701845 2084701855 2084701875 2084701885 2084701895 2084701925 2084701935 2084702075 2084702145 2084702155 2084702215 2084702235 2084702255 2084702331 2084702373 2084702383 2084702393 2084702448 2084702495 2084702553 2084702556 2084702563 2084550001 5348000004 5348000005 5348000006 5348000007 5348000008 5348000013 5348000014 5348000015 5348000017 5348000020 5348000021 5348000031 5348000034 5348000035 5348000036 2084000040 2084254005 2084700825 7194000123 7194000126 7194000742 7194000921 7194000948 7194000950 7194000954 7194000955 7194000958 7194000967 7194001060 7194001138 2084700275 2084700325 2084701445 7194000701 7194000702 7194000704 7194000705 7194000706 7194000707 7194000708 7194000709 7194000710 7194000712 7194000713 7194000714 7194000715 7194000717 7194000720 7194000721 7194000722 7194000725 7194000727 7194000731 7194000732 7194000734 7194000735 7194000736 7194000737 7194000739 7194000741 7194000743 7194000744 7194000748 7194000751 7194000753 7194000757 7194000761 7194000763 7194000764 7194000765 7194000766 7194000767 7194000769 7194000774 7194000775 7194000776 7194000784 7194000785 7194000786 7194000792 7194000795 7194000796 7194000799 7194000801 7194000802 7194000814 7194000815 7194000819 7194000823 7194000834 7194000835 7194000837 7194000846 7194000850 7194000854 7194000862 7194000865 7194000866 7194000873 7194000882 7194000886 7194000887 7194000893 7194000895 7194000898 7194000900 7194000906 7194000908 7194000910 7194000911 7194000918 7194000919 7194000920 7194000924 7194000927 7194000930 7194000937 7194000938 5850000001 7194000942 7194000946 7194000949 7194000951 7194000953 7194000968 7194000973 7194000977 7194000982 7194000983 7194000994 7194001005 7194001007 7194001009 7194001014 7194001015 7194001023 7194001033 7194001064 7194001067 7194001070 7194001089 7194001099 7194001112 7194001116 7194001117 7194001121 7194001124 7194001177 7194001199 7194001296 7194001312 7194001337 7194001341 7194001347 7194001349 7194001350 7194001352 7194001354 7194001355 7194001356 7194001358 7194001359 7194001361 8038001323

red squares show Living species, yellow squares show Fossil species

you can click on each square to get details

the total number of georeferenced species in this map is: 708 from a total of 850

please note that this is not the complete coverage of this family
the Data Base is not exaustive and only one specimen per species has been georeferenced

this map is only the graphic summary of the WMSDB Data Base up to now

Author: Claudio Galli - last updated: 15/nov/2017