WMSD - Worldwide mollusc species DB Bagni Liggia

--- Taxon Tree: CAENOGASTROPODA [Subclass]-CERITHIOIDEA [Superfamily]
------ Family: CERITHIIDAE (Sea)
click for details 1150000000 1150000005 1150000010 1150000015 1150000020 1150000025 1150000030 1150000035 1150000045 1150000060 1150000065 1150000075 1150000080 1150000085 1150000090 1150000095 1150000105 1150000110 1150000115 1150000120 1150000125 1150000140 1150000145 1150000160 1150000165 1150000170 1150000185 1150000190 1150000195 1150000205 1150000210 1150000215 1150000220 1150000230 1150000240 1150000245 1150000250 1150000270 1150000275 1150000285 1150000290 1150000295 1150000305 1150000315 1150004000 1150004010 1150004020 1150004025 1150004030 1150004035 1150004040 1150004050 1150350000 1150450010 1150450020 1150450025 1150450030 1150450040 1150450045 1150450050 1150450055 1150450060 1150450065 1150450070 1150450080 1150450090 1150450100 1150450120 1150450125 1150450130 1150450145 1150450160 1150450165 1150450180 1150450190 1150450195 1150450205 1150450210 1150450225 1150450230 1150450245 1150454005 1150454010 1150454015 1150700015 1150700040 1150704005 1150704030 1150750000 1150950000 1151200010 1151200015 1151200025 1151350000 1151350025 1151350055 1151350060 1151750005 1151750105 1151750315 1151750355 1151750365 1151750395 1151750605 1151750645 1151750655 1151750665 1151750685 1151750745 1151750765 1151750835 1151750865 1151750875 1151750895 1151750955 1151750975 1151751115 1151751155 1151751495 1151751535 1151751675 1151751735 1151751785 1151751895 1151751959 1151751963 1230054334 1250000075 1250000173 1250000189 1250000225 1250000365 1250000377 1250000441 1250000458 1250000461 1250000463 1250000465 1250000468 1250000519 1250000545 1250000575 1260100005 1771852567 1250000591 5120000011 1780350000 1150450000 1150450250 1280450145 1150000040 5120000018 5192001434 1150000280 5192001441 5192001462 5192001470 6108000068 5120000002 1150450015 1151750535 1151750735 1151750785 1151751585 1250000185 1250000353 1250000393 1250000405 5284000696 5284000697 5284000699 5284000701 5284000704 5284000709 5284000711 5284000712 5284000713 5284000714 5284000716 5284000718 5284000719 5284000720 5284000721 5284000722 5284000723 5284000726 5284000727 5284000729 5284000732 5284000733 5284000734 5284000735 5284000736 5284000739 5284000743 5284000744 5284000752 5284000754 5284000757 5284000758 5284000764 5284000768 5284000769 5284000770 5284000775 5284000778 5284000780 5284000781 5284000782 5284000784 5284000789 5284000791 5284000793 5284000796 5284000798 5284000802 5284000805 5284000806 5284000810 5284000820 5284000822 5284000830 5284000835 5284000841 5284000848 5284000849 5284000853 5284000856 5284000859 5284000861 5284000862 5284000863 5284000867 5284000875 5284000876 5284000879 5284000885 5284000887 5284000888 5877000278 5877000279 5877000304 6108000001 6108000008 6108000011 6108000015 6108000023 6108000025 6108000027 6108000032 6108000035 6108000041 6108000043 6108000044 6108000048 6108000064 6108000075 6108000083 6108000093 6322000414 6322000416 6322000417 6126000013 6126000014 8038000049 8038000248 8038000534 8038000548 8038000614 6174000015 8038000644 8038000654 8038000708 8038000709 8038000729 8038000730 8038000746 8038000750 8038000752 8038000760 8038000762 8038000782 8038000792 8038000796 8038000810 8038000811 8038000921 9876000053 9876000056 9876000057 9876000059 9876000062 9876000065 9876000068 9876000070 9876000071 9876000072 9876000073 9876000074 9876000075 9876000076 9876000077 9876000079 9876000080

red squares show Living species, yellow squares show Fossil species

you can click on each square to get details

the total number of georeferenced species in this map is: 689 from a total of 821

please note that this is not the complete coverage of this family
the Data Base is not exaustive and only one specimen per species has been georeferenced

this map is only the graphic summary of the WMSDB Data Base up to now

Author: Claudio Galli - last updated: 15/nov/2017