WMSD - Worldwide mollusc species DB Bagni Liggia

--- Taxon Tree: CAENOGASTROPODA [Subclass]-NEOGASTROPODA [Order]-CONOIDEA [Superfamily]
------ Family: CONIDAE (Sea)
click for details 2128803375 2128803385 2128820145 2128822961 2140000000 2140000010 2140000015 2140000025 2140000030 2140000045 2140000060 2140000075 2140000080 2140000090 2140000110 2140000125 2140000140 2140000160 2140000170 2140000175 2140000185 2140000190 2140000195 2140000215 2140000220 2140000225 2140000230 2140000245 2140000260 2140000280 2140000285 2140000290 2140000315 2140000330 2140000335 2140000345 2140000375 2140000395 2140000400 2140000405 2140000425 2140000430 2140000450 2140000500 2140000510 2140000535 2140000545 2140000550 2140000555 2140000560 2140000575 2140000580 2140000590 2140000600 2140000605 2140000615 2140000640 2140000680 2140000695 2140000700 2140000730 2140000780 2140000790 2140000795 2140000815 2140000820 2140000825 2140000925 2140000965 2140000975 2140000995 2140001015 2140001025 2140001035 2140001045 2140001050 2140001075 2140001105 2140001110 2140001130 2140001150 2140001155 2140001175 2140001220 2140001265 2140001285 2140001355 2140001375 2140001380 2140001385 2140001395 2140001415 2140001425 2140001435 2140001450 2140001485 2140001510 2140001530 2140001695 2140001720 2140001740 2140001750 2140001830 2140001840 2140001925 2140001930 2140001935 2140001975 2140002030 2140002045 2140002115 2140002170 2140002180 2140002205 2140002210 2140002230 2140002235 2140002255 2140002270 2140002275 2140002320 2140002330 2140002335 2140002350 2140002465 2140002610 2140002615 2140002650 2140002665 2140002695 2140002700 2140002745 2140002785 2140002825 2140002830 2140002840 2140002850 2140002870 2140002885 2140002965 2140003010 2140003050 2140003070 2140003100 2140003175 2140003195 2140003200 2140003210 2140003235 2140003320 2140003325 2140003375 2140004015 2140004035 2140004045 2140004075 2140004105 2140004160 2140004325 2140004340 2140004345 2140004375 2140004430 2140004485 2140004510 2140004545 2140004585 2140004620 2140004675 2140004705 2140004720 2140004725 2140004740 2140004775 2140004785 2140004840 2140004855 2140004880 2140004935 2140004955 2140004965 2140004990 2140005000 2140005045 2140005105 2140005120 2140005165 2140005170 2140005355 2140005520 2140005680 2140006110 2140006120 2140006140 2140006190 2140006310 2140006540 2140006670 2140006680 2140006950 2140007320 2140007370 2140007700 2140008220 2140008230 2140008330 2140008380 2140008600 2140008930 2140009590 2140009660 2140009740 2140010040 2140010100 2140010240 2140010260 2140011300 2140012192 2140012368 2140012496 2140012653 2140012657 2140012673 2140012689 2140012942 2140012954 2140013015 2140013088 2140013173 2140013178 2140001810 5334000013 5346000095 5346000102 5346000144 5346000145 5346000148 5346000152 5346000168 5346000177 5346000179 5346000182 5346000191 5346000192 5346000196 5346000197 5346000221 5346000224 5346000253 5346000357 5346000391 5346000395 5346000408 5346000409 5346000412 5346000413 5346000414 5346000415 5346000435 5346000436 5346000437 5346000438 2140012488 5346000439 5346000440 5346000443 5346000444 2140009320 5346000449 5346000454 5346000455 5346000458 5346000461 2140006160 5346000473 5346000492 5346000510 5346000512 5346001533 6466000075 7332000218 7332000222 7332000226 7332000229 7332000231 7332000238 7332000241 7332000559 7332000560 7332000561 7332000567 7332000571 7332000582 7332000589 7332001139 5346001557 5346001559 5346001560 5346001562 5346001565 5346001566 5346001570 5346001571 5346001573 5346001574 5346001581 5346001583 5346001586 5346001587 5346001590 5346001591 5346001592 5346001593 5346001595 5346001597 5346001598 5346001600 5346001601 5346001602 5346001603 5346001605 5346001609 5346001610 5346001613 5346001621 5346001625 5346001626 5346001627 5346001630 5346001631 5346001632 5346001636 5346001638 5346001639 5346001640 5346001644 5346001653 5346001656 5346001661 5346001664 5346001665 5346001669 5346001671 5346001672 5346001673 5346001678 5346001683 5346001684 5346001703 5346001704 5346001711 5346001714 5346001720 5346001734 5346001741 5346001755 5346001762 5346001763 5346001765 5346001769 5346001777 5346001778 5346001779 5346001780 5346001782 5346001793 5346001798 5346001802 5346001805 5346001808 5346001809 5346001822 5346001830 5346001834 6466000062 6466000063 6466000067 6466000069 6466000073 6466000074 6466000077 6466000078 6466000080 6466000083 6466000084 6466000087 6466000089 6466000102 6466000126 6466000128 6466000131 6466000133 6466000134 6466000141 6466000142 7332000195 7332000204 7332000456 7332000459 7332000461 7332000463 7332000492 7332000493 7332000604 7332000606 7332000607 7332000609 7332000612 7332000647 7332000648 7332000651 7332000654 7332000655 7332000656 7332000718 7332000776

red squares show Living species, yellow squares show Fossil species

you can click on each square to get details

the total number of georeferenced species in this map is: 1323 from a total of 1698

please note that this is not the complete coverage of this family
the Data Base is not exaustive and only one specimen per species has been georeferenced

this map is only the graphic summary of the WMSDB Data Base up to now

Author: Claudio Galli - last updated: 07/nov/2017