(geographic) World Map UNGULINIDAE
(thumbnails) Alphabetic with thumbnails Taxonomic with thumbnails UNGULINIDAE
(thumb+maps) Alphabetic with thumbnails and maps Taxonomic with thumbnails and maps UNGULINIDAE
(names only) Alphabetic no thumbnails Taxonomic no thumbnails UNGULINIDAE
(no synonyms) Alphabetic no thumbnails Taxonomic no thumbnails UNGULINIDAE
(no variety) Alphabetic no thumbnails Taxonomic no thumbnails
--- Taxon Tree: HETERODONTA [Subclass]-EUHETERODONTA [Infraclass]-IMPARIDENTIA [Superorder]-VENERIDA [Order]-UNGULINOIDEA [Superfamily]
------ Family: UNGULINIDAE (Sea)
click for details 5620000000 7098000001 5620104000 5620104005 5620200000 5620200005 5620200010 5620200015 5620200020 5620200030 5620200035 5620200045 5620200050 5620200055 5620200070 5620200080 5620200090 5620200095 5620200100 5620200125 5620200155 5620300000 5620350000 5620350055 5620350079 5620350095 5620350127 5620350143 5620350151 5620350159 5620350191 5620350215 5620350223 5620350247 5620350255 5620350287 5620350311 5620350351 5620350367 5620350371 5620350386 5620350390 5620350391 7098000002 7136000002 7204000019 7204000020 5620350010 7286000038 7286000040 7286000041 7286000042 7286000043 7286000044 7286000045 7286000046 7286000047 7286000048 7286000049 7286000050 7286000052 7286000055 7286000056 7286000059 7286000061 7286000064 7286000065 7286000068 7286000069 7286000073 7286000076 7286000078 7286000081 7286000082 7286000086 7286000087 7286000088 7286000089 7286000095 7286000097 7286000109 7286000114 7286000127 7286000128

red squares show Living species, yellow squares show Fossil species

you can click on each square to get details

the total number of georeferenced species in this map is: 135 from a total of 194

please note that this is not the complete coverage of this family
the Data Base is not exaustive and only one specimen per species has been georeferenced

this map is only the graphic summary of the WMSDB Data Base up to now

Author: Claudio Galli - last updated: 27/ago/2017