WMSD - Worldwide mollusc species DB Bagni Liggia

--- Taxon Tree: PALAEOHETERODONTA [Subclass]-UNIONIDA [Order]-UNIONOIDEA [Superfamily]
------ Family: UNIONIDAE (Freshwater)
click for details 5530000005 5530000010 5530000015 5530000020 5530004000 5530100000 5531004000 5531100005 5531500000 5533050005 5533050010 5533050020 5533050025 5533050030 5533050035 5533050040 5533050045 5533050050 5533050055 5533050060 5533050065 5533050070 5533050080 5533050085 5533350010 5533450000 5533450005 5533450020 5533450025 5533450035 5533450040 5533450045 5533450050 5533750000 5533950000 5533950010 5534100020 5534400000 5534450000 5534500000 5534600000 5534650010 5534650015 5534800000 5534800005 5534800010 5534950000 5535800000 5535950010 5536300000 5536900000 5536900015 5536900025 5536900030 5536900075 5536900085 5537150000 5537150010 5537450015 5537450040 5537450050 5537450085 5537450100 5537450145 5537450195 5537500005 5537500010 5537500055 5537500060 5537500070 5537500080 5537500100 5537500115 5537500120 5537500140 5537500155 5537500170 5537500175 5537550015 5537550040 5537900005 5537900015 5537900050 5537900060 5537900100 5537900120 5537900135 5537900165 5537900175 5538250010 5538250025 5538300000 5538300025 5538350000 5538400000 5538450000 5538500020 5538500040 5538500055 5538500085 5538500105 5539100020 5539150015 5539200005 5539200030 5539550015 5539700000 5539750050 5539750060 5539750080 5539750098 5539750106 5539750178 5539750258 5539750266 5539750274 5539750290 5539750306 5539750330 5539750474 5539750538 5539750546 5539750586 5539750594 5539750602 5539750610 5539750618 5539750642 5539750666 5539750674 5539750690 5539750706 5539750738 5539750786 5539750802 5539750810 5539750834 5539750842 5539750866 5539750922 5539750970 5539750994 5539751010 5539751026 5539751114 5539751154 5539751226 5539751322 5539751346 5539751354 5539751378 5539751482 5539751514 5539751567 5539751591 5539751599 5539751613 5539751621 5539751637 5539751641 5539751657 5539751669 5539751705 5539751729 5539751745 5539751750 5539751753 5539751754 5539751756 5539751758 5539751764 5539751765 5539751768 5539751770 5539751772 5539751773 5539751774 5539751781 5539751782 5539751783 5539751785 5539751788 5539751789 5539751794 5539751795 5539751797 5539751800 5539751801 5539751804 5539751805 5539751806 5539751807 5539751808 5539751809 5539751811 5539751812 5539751815 5539751827 5539751832 5539751840 5539751845 5539751847 5539751848 5539751849 5539751855 5539751856 5539751857 5539751858 5539751861 5539751864 5539751868 5539751870 5539751873 5539751877 5539751884 5539751890 5539751892 5539751895 5539751906 5539751910 5539751911 5539751912 5539751922 5539751923 5539751925 5539751926 5539751927 5539751936 5539751938 5539751940 5539751941 5539751944 5539751945 5539751962 5539751965 5539751967 5539751975 5539751976 5539751977 5539751978 5539751985 5539751990 5539751996 5539752005 5539752009 7080000008 7154000007 7154000008 7154000009 7154000015 7154000077 7154000084 7154000088 7154000109 7154000121 7154000124 7154000126 7154000132 7154000133 7154000138 7154000139 7154000141 7154000142 7154000147 7154000149 7154000164 7154000290 7154000298 7154000301 7366000001 7366000015 7366000017 7366000018 8037000004 7482000166 7482000168 7482000188 7482000194 7482000201 7482000202 7482000204 8037000030 8037000038 8037000039 8037000055 8037000057 8037000058 8037000059 8037000061 8037000065 8037000081

red squares show Living species, yellow squares show Fossil species

you can click on each square to get details

the total number of georeferenced species in this map is: 806 from a total of 864

please note that this is not the complete coverage of this family
the Data Base is not exaustive and only one specimen per species has been georeferenced

this map is only the graphic summary of the WMSDB Data Base up to now

Author: Claudio Galli - last updated: 16/ott/2017