WMSD - Worldwide mollusc species DB Bagni Liggia

------ Family: EULIMIDAE (Sea)
click for details 1040100000 1820000000 1820000005 1820000010 1820000015 1820000025 1820000035 1820000040 1820000045 1820000050 1820000055 1820000060 1820000065 1820004000 1820004025 1820004030 1820550000 1820800000 1820850000 1820854000 1820900000 1820900005 1820904000 1821450005 1821750000 1821850000 1821850010 1821850035 1821850050 1821850055 1821850070 1821850110 1821850115 1821850150 1821850165 1821850175 1821850225 1821850230 1821850240 1821850245 1821850260 1821850265 1821850275 1821854005 1821854040 1822050015 1822050020 1822054000 1822054005 1822400015 1822400020 1822450000 1822450005 1822500000 1823100005 1823200005 1823250005 1823500000 1823600000 1823600020 1823600025 1823600040 1823600045 1823600050 1823604005 1823750030 1823750090 1823750100 1823750160 1823750200 1823750280 1823750450 1823750460 1823750580 1823750600 1823750660 1823750760 1823750830 1823750880 1823750890 1823751170 1823751300 1823751330 1823751340 1823751380 1823751440 1823751450 1823751460 1823751490 1823751700 1823751730 1823751760 1823751810 1823752150 1823752230 1823752300 1823752360 1823752390 1823752500 1823752610 1823752620 1823752670 1823752690 1823752770 1823752780 1823752800 1823752820 1823752850 1823752890 1823752910 1823752960 1823753020 1823753120 1823753210 1823753470 1823753480 1823753490 1823753570 1823753590 1823753640 1823753780 1823754320 1823754350 1823754570 1823754650 1823754680 1823754690 1823754720 1823754930 1823755040 1823755110 1823755240 1823755460 1823755730 1823755770 1823755890 1830300100 1860000000 1860050000 1870000000 1870000005 1870000035 1870000271 1870000299 1870000307 1870000336 1870000344 5278000008 5278000017 5278000030 5278000032 5350000061 5364000681 5364000682 5364000687 5364000688 5364000727 1823752120 1823752380 1823754400 8035000145 1823755390 1870000279 5350000122 5350000151 5350000205 5364000969 5364000970 5364000971 5364000974 5364000975 5364000976 5364000979 5364000980 5364000981 5364000982 5364000985 5364000987 5364000988 5364001019 5364001022 5364001025 5364001026 5364001027 5364001029 5364001030 5364001031 5364001032 5364001036 5364001043 5364001044 5364001045 5364001048 5364001049 5364001050 5364001052 5907000026 5364001059 6280000001 6280000002 6280000004 6280000006 6280000007 6280000008 6280000011 6280000013 6280000016 6280000018 6280000036 6280000044 6280000046 6296000005 6296000037 6296000039 6296000040 6296000043 8035000124 8035000127 8035000140 8035000142

red squares show Living species, yellow squares show Fossil species

you can click on each square to get details

the total number of georeferenced species in this map is: 624 from a total of 1156

please note that this is not the complete coverage of this family
the Data Base is not exaustive and only one specimen per species has been georeferenced

this map is only the graphic summary of the WMSDB Data Base up to now

Author: Claudio Galli - last updated: 18/nov/2017