WMSD - Worldwide mollusc species DB Bagni Liggia

--- Taxon Tree: PTERIOMORPHIA [Subclass]-LIMIDA [Order]-LIMOIDEA [Superfamily]
------ Family: LIMIDAE (Sea)
click for details 5400000010 5400000015 5400000020 5400000025 5400000030 5400000035 5400000040 5400000045 5400000050 5400000065 5400000075 5400004000 5400004005 5400004015 5400004020 5400050000 5400050005 5400050010 5400054005 5400054010 5400054020 5400054025 5400054030 5400150000 5400154000 5400250005 5400250015 5400250030 5400250040 5400250045 5400254005 5400350010 5400350030 5400350035 5400350075 5400350115 5400350125 5400600005 5400600015 5400600020 5400600025 5400600035 5400650000 5400650005 5400650042 5400650050 5400650114 5400650130 5400650146 5400650162 5400650170 5400650178 5400650186 5400650226 5400650234 5400650274 5400650290 5400650330 5400650370 5400650418 5400650426 5400650466 5400650474 5400650498 5400650514 5400650538 5400650562 5400650570 5400650658 5400650682 5400650727 5400650733 5400650737 5400650740 5400650746 5400650755 5400650758 5400250046 7054000016 7054000017 7054000019 7054000020 7054000038 7054000040 7194000139 7194000147 7598000382 7598000551 5400650218 7054000045 8057000188 7598000349 7598000350 7598000351 7598000352 7598000354 7598000355 7598000356 7598000357 7598000359 7598000360 7598000361 7598000362 7598000363 7598000365 7598000366 7598000368 7598000370 7598000371 7598000372 7598000373 7598000374 7598000375 7598000384 7598000385 7598000387 7598000388 7598000389 7598000390 7598000391 7598000393 7598000395 7598000396 7598000397 7598000399 7598000405 7598000407 7598000409 7598000412 7598000413 7598000419 7598000420 7598000422 7598000432 7598000435 7598000436 7598000437 7598000438 7598000439 7598000440 7598000441 7598000452 7598000453 7598000454 7598000455 7598000456 7598000457 7598000458 7598000459 7598000460 7598000461 7598000463 7598000464 7598000468 7598000469 7598000470 7598000471 7598000472 7598000473 7598000474 7598000475 7598000476 7598000477 7598000478 7598000480 7598000481 7598000482 7598000483 7598000485 7598000486 7598000487 7598000489 7598000490 7598000491 7598000492 7598000495 7598000496 7598000497 7598000498 7598000499 7598000500 7598000501 7598000502 7598000503 7598000504 7598000505 7598000506 7598000507 7598000508 7598000510 7598000511 7598000513 7598000515 7598000516 7598000517 7598000519 7598000520 7598000521 7598000522 7598000523 7598000525 7598000527 7598000528 7598000530 7598000533 7598000534 7598000535 7598000536 7598000537 7598000538 7598000539 7598000540 7598000542 7598000543 7598000544 7598000545 7598000548 7598000549 7598000550 7598000552 7598000556 7598000561 7598000563 7598000565 7598000569 7598000609 7598000611 7598000613 7598000614 7598000618 7598000625 7598000626 8057000037 8057000038 8057000041 8057000043 8057000058 8057000059 8057000076 8057000078 8057000080

red squares show Living species, yellow squares show Fossil species

you can click on each square to get details

the total number of georeferenced species in this map is: 358 from a total of 494

please note that this is not the complete coverage of this family
the Data Base is not exaustive and only one specimen per species has been georeferenced

this map is only the graphic summary of the WMSDB Data Base up to now

Author: Claudio Galli - last updated: 19/nov/2017