(geographic) World Map MODIOMORPHIDAE
(thumbnails) Alphabetic with thumbnails Taxonomic with thumbnails MODIOMORPHIDAE
(thumb+maps) Alphabetic with thumbnails and maps Taxonomic with thumbnails and maps MODIOMORPHIDAE
(names only) Alphabetic no thumbnails Taxonomic no thumbnails MODIOMORPHIDAE
(no synonyms) Alphabetic no thumbnails Taxonomic no thumbnails MODIOMORPHIDAE
(no variety) Alphabetic no thumbnails Taxonomic no thumbnails
--- Taxon Tree: HETERODONTA [Subclass]-EUHETERODONTA [Infraclass]-IMPARIDENTIA [Superorder]-MODIOMORPHIDA [Order]-MODIOMORPHOIDEA [Superfamily]
------ Family: MODIOMORPHIDAE (Sea)
click for details 7156000006 7156000007 7156000008 7156000010 7156000011 7156000012 7156000013 7156000014 7156000015 7156000016 7156000017 7156000018 7156000024 7156000025 7156000026 7156000028 7156000031 7156000033 7156000034 7156000036 7156000040 7156000041 7156000042 7156000043 7156000044 7156000045 7156000046 7156000047 7156000048 7156000055 7156000058 7156000067 7156000072 7156000076 7156000079 7156000080 7156000087 7156000088 7156000090 7156000092 7156000093 7156000097 7156000099 7156000100 7156000102 7156000105 7156000107 7156000114 7156000115 7156000117 7156000118 7156000120 7156000122 7156000125 7156000128 7156000129 7156000130 7156000133 7156000136 7156000138 7156000145 7156000148 7156000153 7156000154 7482000179 7482000180 7482000181 7482000189 7482000195 7482000199 7482000200 7482000206 8036000059 8036000092 8036000101 8036000121 8036000245

red squares show Living species, yellow squares show Fossil species

you can click on each square to get details

the total number of georeferenced species in this map is: 154 from a total of 193

please note that this is not the complete coverage of this family
the Data Base is not exaustive and only one specimen per species has been georeferenced

this map is only the graphic summary of the WMSDB Data Base up to now

Author: Claudio Galli - last updated: 27/ago/2017