WMSD - Worldwide mollusc species DB Bagni Liggia

--- Taxon Tree: PTERIOMORPHIA [Subclass]-MYTILIDA [Order]-MYTILOIDEA [Superfamily]
------ Family: MYTILIDAE (Sea)
click for details 5340000000 5340000005 5340000020 5340000025 5340000030 5340000040 7042000001 5340004000 5340250005 5340250010 5340250015 5340250020 5340250030 5340250035 5340250040 5340250045 5340250050 5340250065 5340254000 5340350000 5340404000 5340450000 5340500000 5340550005 5340550010 5340600000 5340600005 5340600010 5340700000 5340700015 5340854000 5340900000 5340900005 5340900015 5340900020 5340900030 5340904000 5341000000 5341050000 5341050005 5341100000 5341100010 5341100020 5341100025 5341100030 5341100035 5341100040 5341100055 5341100065 5341100075 5341100085 5341100090 5341100120 5341104000 5341104020 5341104030 5341104035 5341104060 5341104070 5341350010 5341350020 5341350025 5341350030 5341350035 5341354000 5341354010 5341450000 5341500000 5341500005 5341500010 5341500015 5341500020 5341500025 5341650010 5341650025 5341650035 5341750000 5341850000 5341854005 5341854025 5342050005 5342054000 5342054005 5342100000 5342100015 5342100025 5342100030 5342100035 5342300000 5342300015 5342300025 5342300030 5342300035 5342500005 5342500035 5342500055 5342500105 5342500115 5342500125 5342500135 5342850005 5343000000 5343000005 5343000015 5343000020 5343000030 5343000050 5343004005 5343004010 5343004015 5343004020 5343150000 5343150005 5343150015 5343350056 5343350192 5343350208 5343350232 5343350256 5343350296 5343350304 5343350320 5343350336 5343350376 5343350456 5343350472 5343350520 5343350584 5343350672 5343350704 5343350744 5343350768 5343350784 5343350800 5343350832 5343350872 5343350880 5343350904 5343350912 5343350920 5343350944 5343350984 5343351000 5343351104 5343351120 5343351168 5343351176 5343351224 5343351264 5343351392 5343351416 5343351424 5343351432 5343351448 5343351452 5343351456 5343351468 5343351476 5343351480 5343351484 5343351488 5343351492 5343351500 5343351501 5343351502 5343351504 5343351507 5343351508 5343351513 5343351515 5343351518 5343351520 5343351525 5343351532 5343351542 5343351544 5343351550 7042000016 7042000020 7042000043 7042000051 7042000055 7042000057 7042000061 7042000062 7042000065 7042000070 7042000071 7042000075 7042000076 7042000081 7196000007 7196000011 7196000015 7196000020 7196000024 5342700005 5340900025 5341100050 5342500060 7196000030 7196000034 7196000035 8036000224 7196000044 7530000077 7530000078 7530000079 7530000082 7530000083 7530000085 7530000086 7530000087 7530000088 7530000089 7530000090 7530000092 7530000095 7530000100 7530000101 7530000105 7530000106 7530000107 7530000108 7530000109 7530000110 7530000111 7530000112 7530000116 7530000117 7530000118 7530000119 7530000120 7530000121 7530000123 7530000125 7530000126 7530000127 7530000128 7530000130 7530000131 7530000132 7530000134 7530000137 7530000141 7530000142 7530000143 7530000144 7530000145 7530000146 7530000147 7530000148 7530000149 7530000150 7530000151 7530000153 7530000154 7530000156 7530000160 7530000162 7530000163 7530000166 7530000168 7530000173 7530000174 7530000177 7530000179 7530000180 7530000181 7530000182 7530000184 7530000185 7530000186 7530000188 7530000189 7530000190 7530000192 7530000193 7530000194 7530000195 7530000196 7530000197 7530000198 7530000199 7530000200 7530000201 7530000202 7530000203 7530000204 7530000205 7530000207 7530000208 7530000210 7530000212 7530000213 7530000215 7530000216 7530000219 7530000221 7530000223 7530000224 7530000225 7530000226 7530000227 7530000228 7530000229 7530000231 7530000234 7530000235 7530000236 7530000237 7530000238 7530000240 7530000241 7530000243 7530000244 7530000245 7530000247 7530000248 7530000251 7530000255 7530000257 7530000260 7530000261 7530000262 7530000263 7530000265 7530000267 7530000271 7530000274 7530000275 7530000278 7530000279 7530000280 7530000286 7530000288 7530000289 7530000292 7530000295 7530000299 7530000302 7530000305 7530000307 7530000308 7530000309 7530000312 7530000314 7530000315 7530000316 7530000317 7530000323 7530000326 7530000327 7530000329 7530000330 7530000333 7530000336 7530000337 7530000338 7530000339 7530000340 7530000341 7530000343 7622000043 7622000353 7622000354 7622000356 7622000361 7622000362 7622000364 7622000372 7622000375 7622000376 7622000378 7622000379 7622000381 7622000382 7622000384 7622000394 7622000406 7622000413 7622000414 8036000058 8036000085 8036000086 8036000094 8036000099 8036000107 8036000115 8036000117 8036000123 8036000132 8036000134 8036000135 8036000145 8036000146 8036000149 8036000158 8036000159 8036000167 8036000207 8036000209 8036000212 8036000219 8036000230 8036000231 8036000235 8036000239 8036000240 8036000295

red squares show Living species, yellow squares show Fossil species

you can click on each square to get details

the total number of georeferenced species in this map is: 683 from a total of 895

please note that this is not the complete coverage of this family
the Data Base is not exaustive and only one specimen per species has been georeferenced

this map is only the graphic summary of the WMSDB Data Base up to now

Author: Claudio Galli - last updated: 16/ott/2017