WMSD - Worldwide mollusc species DB Bagni Liggia

--- Taxon Tree: CAENOGASTROPODA [Subclass]-LITTORINIMORPHA [Order]-NATICOIDEA [Superfamily]
------ Family: NATICIDAE (Sea)
click for details 1650000000 1650400020 1650400050 1650400090 1650400110 1650400130 1660000005 1660000015 1660000025 1660000030 1660000035 1660000040 1660000045 1660000050 1660000055 1660000060 1660000065 1660000075 1660000080 1660000085 1660000090 1660000095 1660000100 1660000105 1660000110 1660000115 1660000125 1660000135 1660000140 1660000145 1660000150 1660000160 1660000180 1660000190 1660000205 1660004020 1660004025 1660004030 1660004035 1660104000 1660104005 1660250000 1660250015 1660250025 1660450000 1660450010 1660450015 1660500000 1660600000 1660600005 1660600020 1660600025 1660600035 1660600050 1660600055 1660604005 1660604020 1660604030 1660850000 1660900005 1661000000 1661100000 1661100005 1661100010 1661100015 1661100020 1661100030 1661100035 1661100060 1661100065 1661100075 1661100080 1661100110 1661100125 1661100140 1661100175 1661100180 1661100185 1661100190 1661100225 1661100230 1661100260 1661100265 1661100290 1661100295 1661100305 1661100310 1661100335 1661100345 1661100355 1661100370 1661100390 1661104015 1661104055 1661104060 1661104065 1661104070 1661104085 1661104090 1661104115 1661350000 1661400005 1661400010 1661400015 1661404010 1661404015 1661404020 1661550000 1661550020 1661550025 1661600000 1661600015 1661600030 1661650005 1661650010 1661654000 1661800020 1661900000 1661900030 1661900050 1661900150 1661900160 1661900210 1661900230 1661900250 1661900320 1661900340 1661900350 1661900390 1661900400 1661900430 1661900490 1661900590 1661900620 1661900650 1661900680 1661900690 1661900740 1661900780 1661900810 1661900850 1661900870 1661900960 1661900970 1661900980 1661901010 1661901070 1661901240 1661901250 1661901280 1661901290 1661901300 1661901330 1661901350 1661901360 1661901460 1661901480 1661901500 1661901680 1661901750 1661901770 1661901830 1661901950 1661901980 1661902000 1661902310 1661902360 1661902430 1661902510 1661902630 1661902770 1661902850 1661903164 1661903172 1661903188 1661903233 1661903235 1661903237 1661903242 5184000002 5184000017 5184000041 5184000048 5184000056 5184000057 5184000058 5184000063 5184000066 5184000067 5873000067 7234000029 8032000234 1661650065 5184000591 5184000709 5184000710 5184000711 5184000712 5184000714 5184000720 5184000721 5184000722 5184000724 5184000725 5184000727 5184000728 5184000729 5184000730 5184000731 5184000732 5184000733 5184000734 5184000735 5184000737 5184000738 5184000739 5184000740 5184000741 5184000742 5184000744 5184000745 5184000746 5184000747 5184000748 5184000750 5184000751 5184000753 5184000754 5184000755 5184000757 5184000758 5184000759 5184000764 5184000768 5184000769 5184000771 5184000775 5184000776 5184000777 5184000781 5184000782 5184000783 5184000784 5184000788 5184000789 5184000791 5184000801 5184000802 5184000803 5184000805 5184000807 5184000813 5184000823 5184000824 5184000826 5184000827 5184000829 5184000834 5184000837 5184000838 5184000839 5184000841 5184000845 5184000846 5184000847 5184000851 5184000852 5184000854 5184000855 5184000856 5184000857 5184000858 5184000863 5184000865 5184000867 5184000868 5184000870 5184000871 5184000881 5184000883 5184000884 5184000885 5184000886 5184000887 5184000890 5184000894 5184000895 5184000896 5184000898 5184000899 5184000901 5184000902 5184000903 5184000904 5184000909 5184000911 5184000915 5184000918 5184000923 5184000925 5184000926 5184000927 5184000928 5184000931 5184000934 5184000936 5184000938 5184000942 5184000943 5184000946 5184000950 5184000953 5184000956 5184000960 5184000967 5184000969 5184000974 5184000975 5184000978 5873000065 5873000068 5873000072 5873000073 8032000005 5873000085 6298000002 6298000003 6298000005 6298000009 6298000010 6298000031 6298000040 6298000042 6298000043 6298000060 6298000084 6298000091 7234000041 8032000009 8032000015 8032000141 8032000142 8032000150 8032000155 8032000160 8032000161 8032000162 8032000168 8032000172 8032000177 8032000181 8032000184 8032000186 8032000188 8032000189 8032000190 8032000191 8032000192 8032000193 8032000199 8032000233 8032000251 8032000255 8032000259 8038001203 8038001206 8038001207 8038001224 8038001304

red squares show Living species, yellow squares show Fossil species

you can click on each square to get details

the total number of georeferenced species in this map is: 795 from a total of 958

please note that this is not the complete coverage of this family
the Data Base is not exaustive and only one specimen per species has been georeferenced

this map is only the graphic summary of the WMSDB Data Base up to now

Author: Claudio Galli - last updated: 27/ago/2017